Reinvest. Repopulate. Revitalize.


Neighborhood Homes in the News

Press Releases

Press Release: The Neighborhood Homes Investment Act Surpasses 100 Cosponsors (12/9/2024)

American Banker: Supply takes center stage in Washington's housing push (3/20/2024)

Novogradac: Novogradac Publishes State Estimates for the 1.7 Million Homes that could be Financed by Biden-Harris Administration’s Fiscal Year 2025 LIHTC, NHTC Proposals (3/27/2024)

Novogradac: If Enacted, Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit Could Provide Opportunities for Affordable Housing (12/20/2023)

MPA Newsletter: Legislation aims to create affordable housing (12/12/2023)

The Hill: Congress can help make housing affordable (12/3/2023)

N’West Iowa Review: Feenstra: Helping more families achieve dream of homeownership (8/1/2023)

Daily Journal: Franklin could benefit from Young housing bill (6/25/2023)

The Business Journals: $2B housing tax credit proposal targets affordable homes (6/14/2023)

Neighborhood Homes Coalition: House members introduce 'Neighborhood Homes Investment Act' to expand affordable homeownership opportunities and revitalize communities (6/9/2023)

National Housing Conference: Affordable Housing Solutions Spark Optimism (5/29/2023)

Wall Street Journal: America Needs More Houses (5/15/2023)

National Association of Realtors: NAR Study Shows Lack of Affordable Housing Biggest Obstacle to Home Buying (4/12/2023)

The Hill: Opinion: Investors are monopolizing affordable housing: Here’s how we can stop them (4/11/2023)

Special Report with Bret Baier: Young, Cardin Discuss Housing Bill on Fox News (3/15/2023)

U.S. Senator Ben Cardin: Cardin, Young Introduce Tax Credit to Encourage Revitalization of Distressed Homes Nationwide by Filling the Cost Gap (3/7/2023)

The Wall Street Journal: Senate Plan Aims to Revitalize Beaten-Down Communities (3/7/2023)

Neighborhood Homes Coalition: Senators introduce ‘Neighborhood Homes Investment Act’ to expand affordable homeownership opportunities and revitalize communities (3/7/2023)

The Neighborhood Homes Coalition: 100 House Members pledge support to ‘Neighborhood Homes Investment Act’ to expand affordable homeownership opportunities and revitalize communities (11/29/2022)

The Hill: More than 100 US lawmakers pledge support for affordable housing legislation (11/29/2022)

The New York Times: Whatever Happened to the Starter Home? (9/25/2022)

Testimony from National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders: The Role of Tax Incentives in Affordable Housing (7/20/2022)

Brown at Senate Finance Hearing: Neighborhood Homes Investment Act would help more Ohioans afford a home (7/20/2022)

The New York Times: The Housing Shortage Isn’t Just a Coastal Crisis Anymore (7/14/2022)

The Wall Street Journal: America Needs More Houses (5/15/2022)

Austin American Statesman: Opinion: We can learn from Austin’s housing supply crisis and response (4/3/2022)

Politico: Opinion | When It Comes to Inflation, Our Focus Should Be On the Cost of Housing (3/21/2022)

Novogradac: Creating NHTC, Expanding LIHTC Could Finance Nearly 1 Million Affordable Homes, Help Address Inflation and Promote Racial Equity (2/21/2022)

The Washington Post: If policymakers are serious about tackling inflation, they need to address soaring housing costs (1/31/2022)

Next City: With Trillions In Build Back Better Funds in the Works, Here’s Some of What We’re Watching (11/30/2021)

The Housing Wire: Opinion: Pass the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act (11/23/2021)

The White House: Statement by President Joe Biden on Passage of the Build Back Better Act in the U.S. House of Representatives (11/19/2021)

Ways and Means Committee: Neal applauds committee advancement of Build Back Better Act (9/15/2021)

The Washington Post: Biden’s $213 billion pitch to build, retrofit homes may be ticket to homeownership - PDF version (6/14/2021)

The San Diego Union-Tribune: How President Biden’s infrastructure plan could be used for fixing up San Diego housing (4/14/2021)

The Post and Courier: Affordable housing shortage needs work at local, state and federal level (4/6/2021)

NCST: NCST Applauds Inclusion of the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act in the American Jobs Plan (4/1/2021)

NHIA introduced in the Senate: Senators introduce 'Neighborhood Homes Investment Act' to expand homeownership opportunities and revitalize communities” (1/29/2021)

NHIA introduced in the Senate: Cardin, Portman Reintroduce Tax Credit to Encourage Revitalization of Distressed Homes (1/29/2021)

Structured Finance Association: Structured Finance Association Announces Support for Neighborhood Homes Investment Act (8/12/2020)

Center for Community Progress: Community Progress Shares Support for the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act (7/14/2020)

The Office of Congressman Brian Higgins: Higgins Leads Push to Approve Neighborhood Homes Investment Act (7/1/2020)

NHIA introduced in the Senate: Portman, Cardin Introduce New Tax Incentive to Revitalize Distressed Homes (6/26/2020)

Novogradac: Neighborhood Homes Investment Act Would Create Tax Credit for Revitalizing Single-Family Homes in Low-Income Neighborhoods (6/26/2020)

LISC: Senators introduce ‘Neighborhood Homes Investment Act’ to expand homeownership opportunities and revitalize communities (6/26/2020)

NHIA included in H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act. (6/24/2020)


Up for Growth: “Combatting the Housing Crisis in Rural America” (Mike Kingsella, 9/25/2020)

Shelterforce: “Is a Subsidy for Single-Family Homes in Distressed Areas Closer to Becoming Reality?” (Kris Siglin, 8/26/2020)

National Housing Conference: “Bipartisan, practical problem solving occurring now” (Kris Siglin, 7/23/2020)

Affordable Housing Finance: “Senators Introduce Tax Credit to Revitalize Distressed Homes” (Donna Kimura, 7/1/2020)